
This is not a section about French cuisine, although you will find pretty good recipes here and contribution from our users.




Reading the HDF5 outputs with Python

You may have to install the tables package.

pip install tables

Reading PyTables is pretty straighforward:

import tables

# Open the file in read-only mode
h5file = tables.open_file("outputs.h5", "r")

# Print some info about the file

for row in h5file.root.outputs:

    # Read current row content
    # The name of the comuns depends on your outputs settings
    link_id = row['LinkID']
    time = row['Time']
    state_0 = row['State0']

    # Do something with the values
    print "link_id:", link_id, "time:", time, "state_0:", state_0

  # Close the file

Here is an other way using the the numpy and h5py package:

import numpy as np
import h5py

# open file and iterate over each row
with h5py.File(h5_file_path, "r") as hdf_file:
    hdf_file_content = np.array(hdf_file.get("outputs"))
    for i in range(len(hdf_file_content)):
        # read current row content
        cur_row = hdf_file_content[i]
        # get the values of each columns
        cur_linkid = cur_row[0]
        cur_time = cur_row[1]
        cur_state0 = float(cur_row[2])